Friday, 14 March 2014

Creating a gif using photoshop.

Channel your inner geek and create your own gif in just a few easy steps. Here is an example of the one I made..

  • Firstly choose your images making sure they are in jpeg. format and upload them in photoshop
  • Make sure you double click on the little padlock sign to unlock the layer
  • Click on the layer and press "duplictae layer"
  • Create a mask layer using "curves"- this is used to lighten the image
  • Press the "command" key with the "I" key to invert the colours of mask you just made
  • Then use the paintbrush tool over the area you wish to lighten 

    Change the curve levels to adjust the brightness

    Merge both layers together

    Then go to window--> timeline--> create frame animation

    Click make frame from layers

    Create a 1 second time frame (or however long you want) inbetween each photo

File--> save for web--> GIF file--> Adaptive and forever on the loop

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