Friday, 21 February 2014

Choosing E-commerce

For this project Wonderland is my website of choice as I like the simple colour pallet of black & white and the stright forward layout. By contrast there editorial content is far from simple with avant-garde fashion shot by the most in demand photographers working today. 

I love the fact that it has a 'blogger' feel to the website with an archive of past months down the right hand side of the page. Allowing you to effortlesly to browse through previous seasons and trends. You can also subscribe to the magazine by simply typing in your email address into the box, no long winded forms disclosing all your information.
Wonderland are extremely pro active on there social media sites. during fashion week in particular, I have noticed they have constant coverage on all the latest shows. If you scroll down to the bottom of there website you will find these clickable icons allowing you to view there Twitter and Facebook page. 


 They also have an Instagram page however that is not featured on there website which is something that could be improved.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Net-a-Porter turns to print.


Just when we thought digital publishing was taking over the word and  magazines were no more. Ecommerce retailer Net-a-Porter launch their version of a glossy physical publication called "Porter". There were no shortage of sceptics and many wondered why a digital pioneer would produce a print product when the fashion industry is undergoing such dramatic changes in regards to online content. Natalie Massenet, Founder & Executive Chairman at the Net-a-Porter Group, stated that magazines are an enamours part of the consumers lifestyle. Its something that isn’t disposable and will be on the newsstand for 8 weeks, as well as hopefully being on the consumer’s coffee table and shelf’s for years to come. It’s something that’s intimate and takes dialogue to the next level by translating to women not just fashion but diet, travel and lifestyle. It’s a new visual identity for the porter women whom Natalie in visions is a strong, independent, Catharine Hepburn type.

Is Digital Publishing The Way Of The Future?

It’s no secret that the world is changing and digital technology is completely to blame. Weather its an iPad, iPhone, Android or tablet. If you don’t have one you might as well be living in the stone ages. But is this a good thing or a bad thing? Yes its wonderful how technology has evolved from the 10 stone square brick you used to have perched on your computer desk. However it appears these new revolutionary little gadgets are quickly taking over the world. There is quite literally an app for everything these days, from buying a new dress on Asos, ordering a pizza from dominos, socialising on Facebook and even finding the love of your life on Tinder. Has it all just got out of hand? Why buy DVDs when you can stream it in HD on your laptop? Why go to the shops when you can buy anything you like at a mere click of a finger? Why go to the newsagent and buy a magazine when you can see all the latest fashions via social media and online mags for free? This is the question industry experts have been asking themselves. Is digital publishing taking over? Is this the end for magazines? In my opinion there will always be a high demand for fashion magazines. Most women, and some men, love to sit down with a cup of tea submerged in a glossy magazine, slowly turning the pages getting there monthly/weekly/daily fashion fix. Reading a magazine is a whole experience, an escape from reality, and I feel that is something the Internet will never be able to offer us.